Thursday 4 August 2011

Beyonce's Hair Color

Beyonce in Golden Brown Highlights
So there is a BUZZ! about Beyonce’s hair colour and it seems more and more people want the look.
My only problem is this, not everything that looks good on one person would look good on the next. Nevertheless, Beyonce  has been rocking alot of golden-brown colour  hair with highlights in the front and lowlights in the back the colour she goes for are between colour #14 and #44/#88this colour combination works well if the person has warm, golden undertones in their skin and light eyes.

Let me break this down further this hair colour only suits light skinned people or people who have a red undertone who are about two shade darker than Beyonce. It’s important to know what your undertone is. This will help you in selecting the right makeup and hair colour. To completely pull off this look you can add some hazel or light brown contact lens, I am not big on contact lens because I can never get them in.

If you want to get the perfect blend I would suggest your dye you hair that will be left out also you will need to dye your Brazilian, Peruvian or Malaysian .............etc before you put it in. You will need to know how to properly colour the hair so it’s best to have a professional do it. / offer these services. Below are pictures of the highlights color I usually go for,  the hair I have in the first 2 pictures are of me with my Brazilian hair, the secound is Peruvian, I didn’t go too light because of my skin tone. It would be nice if you the Diva's out there *wink* could send in pictures of your hair and a brief desciption of what you had done that would be lovely, pls send it to . Have a great day Diva Stylez. xoxo

Misi in Brazilian with Higlights
Misi in Brazilian with Higlights
Misi in Peruvian with highlights


  1. missy I hope you will keep up with this, totally loving it!

  2. I think your hot
